BBSVC actively affirms and
celebrates the diverse
backgrounds and experiences
of all stakeholders - youth,
families, donors, volunteers,
and staff. We ensure that all
voices and perspectives are
welcomed, heard, and
honored. We commit to safe
environments where all
individuals feel respected and
valued equally, to a
nondiscriminatory approach,
and to actively dismantling
inequities within our policies,
systems, programs, and
In specific support of
recognizes that case
managers and mentors ideally
become the “safe person” that
LGBTQ+ youth feel best
supported by in their journey.
Understanding of how to
respond appropriately to the
coming-out process is
critical. Staff should always
be demonstrating kindness,
open-mindedness, and
ongoing learning, which are
qualities intersecting with
JEDI cultural humility,
regardless of any
participant’s identity.
Adverse Childhood
Experiences (ACEs) affect a
reported 3 out of 4 youth by
the third grade. BBSVC
program staff actively seek
ways introduce healing and
bolster resilience in the youth
and families we serve.
All agency program staff are
fully trained in Youth Mental
Health First Aid and
recognize the benefits of
innovative case management
that meets youth where they
are, not with the expectation
that youth must be the ones
to reach out for connection.
In partnership with Ventura
County Probation Agency
and others, BBSVC staff
continues to build ongoing
professional development and
creates spaces that are
specific to serving youth in
crisis or who have
experienced trauma due to
incarceration, addiction, gang
exposure, or other high risks
that lead to a need for prevent
or break the juvenile
incarceration cycle, as well as
support youth-led ways to
introduce more equitable
practices in related, intersecting
Photos taken by Dan Vithyavuthi of DXC
Founder, CEO Director of Strategy & Business Development of
ZASA Inc./ Zahur S. Lalji Consultancy
Oxnard City Council Member and
Grant Director at Oxnard College
Senior Vice President of Keystone Advanced Solutions
Owner of Papaefthimiou APC and
Litigation, Trial and Appellate Lawyer
Senior Manager at Macerich
Big Brothers Big Sisters
of Ventura County
2435 Ventura Blvd, Ste. A, Camarillo, CA 93010
2435 Ventura Blvd, Ste. A, Camarillo,
CA 93010
Federal Tax ID 20-3425568
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