John & Alex

Matched Since 2021

John & Alex spend time together talking about cars, playing video games like Clash of Clans and board games like Ticket to Ride. The duo love to frequent Zander’s Game House in Camarillo.  
Alex  talks about his dream of becoming a restaurant owner who employs and serves persons with disabilities.  John encourages Alex and gives him advice and support.
Imagine the impact you simply take the time to connect with a young person in your community. When you're matched with a mentee, it's not about changing your schedule, it's about sharing who you are...

Mentoring is Our Mission


  • Lisa and Maite

    Lisa and Maite

    Lisa & Maite love baking together, wearing matching aprons & sharing their baked goods with loved ones.

  • John and Alex

    John and Alex

    John has constantly encouraged Alex's interests in car mechanics. They enjoy telling jokes & just hanging out.

  • Natalie and Jocelyn

    Natalie and Jocelyn

    Natalie and Jocelyn are a tough pair that love soccer, volleyball, bowling, playing with dogs and going to the beach.

  • Kim and Lizzie

    Kim and Lizzie

    Taylor Swift’s Concert turned out to be one of their biggest outings which gave Lizzie the encouragement to rock out loud.

  • Ray and Jacob

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    Ray has shown Jacob may Museums and exhibits including Stearns Wharf in Santa Barbara and the Griffith Observatory.

  • Kevin and Dorian

    Kevin and Dorian

    Dorian knows he can count on Kevin no matter. He tells Kevin everything, they love video games & enjoy hanging out.

  • Jane and Sophia

    Jane and Sophia

    Sophia adores the work done in space and Janes taken her on many trips to museums where she saw the Space Shuttle Endeavor!

  • Kristine and Mia

    Kristine and Mia

    Kristine has constantly encouraged Mia’s talent for crafting beautiful pieces of art all the while going on hiking and enjoying various activities.

  • Shawn and Evan

    Shawn and Evan

    Evan has been Shawn’s Little Brother for 4 years. They enjoy hikes & beach exploration for sea glass.  

  • Suraj and Liam

    Suraj and Liam

    Since they were matched in 2022, Liam has found real encouragement and influence from Suraj.

  • Ashley and Jocelyn

    Ashley and Jocelyn

    Jocelyn possess a proven talent with art and drawing where Ashely encourages her to excel.

  • Daivd and William

    Daivd and William

    Will is empowered by the influence he’s found from a Big Brother like Daivd. They were previously the winners of the Zander’s Game House hosted Trivia Night.